EEIS 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 電気系工学専攻

Faculty Members / Research Areas

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79 staffs


IKEDA Makoto


Intelligent Information Processing, Sensing, and Hardware Security

Hardware is an root of intelligent information processing in cyber space, and seeking more intelligent, faster, lower power and more safer operations. Sensing is a gateway into cyber space from physical world, and authenticity and confidentiality of acquired information is a key for safety in cyber space. We are working on intelligent information processing, sensing and hardware security to fulfilling ever increasing requirements.

Systems & Electronics
High-Performance Computing
Information security
Perceptual information processing
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Communication/Network engineering

INOMOTO Michiaki


Advanced nuclear fusion plasma

We are conducting experimental research on high -performance plasma confinements aimed at realizing an economic fusion core. We adopt a unique high -beta method that actively applies the "connecting magnetic line" phenomenon that is universally observed in astronomical plasma.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Plasma science
Nuclear fusion studies



Quantum Nanophotonics and Topological Photonics

Aiming at the realization of novel photonic devices and quantum information devices, we are researching optical science in photonic nanostructures, developing unique technology for controlling light and photons based on the concept of topology and researching diamond nanophotonics.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Optical engineering, Photon science
Atomic/Molecular/Quantum electronics
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment

OHSAKI Hiroyuki


Superconducting technology for next-generation energy equipment

We are conducting research on electrical energy equipment and systems with excellent characteristics, utilizing advanced materials such as superconductors and high-performance permanent magnets, with the aim of efficient use of electric energy and the realization of advanced electromagnetic applied systems.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Energy engineering
Aerospace engineering

OHYA Shinobu


Creation of novel next-generation spin devices using ultra-high quality semiconductor/oxide quantum nano-heterostructures

Our group is developping atomically controlled high-quality single-crystal quantum heterostructures consisting of various material systems, mainly oxides and semiconductors. We combine the quantum properties of electrons with spin degrees of freedom to control spin current flow with high efficiency. We aim to pioneer novel physics and realize highly efficient low-energy consumption devices that will lead to next-generation green innovation.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Applied materials
Crystal engineering
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Green/Environmental chemistry
Electronic materials/Electric materials

OZEKI Yasuyuki


Unveiling living systems with cutting-edge pulsed lasers

Ozeki Laboratory is pushing the boundaries of biological imaging using advanced optical pulse techniques. Our research focuses on developing new light sources and measurement systems, as well as applying these techniques to observe living systems. Our latest work includes high-speed molecular imaging, highly multiplexed imaging, and using quantum optics to increase sensitivity.

Photonics & Wireless
Optical engineering, Photon science
Measurement engineering

ONO Yasushi




Environment & Clean Electric Energy



Plasma application technology - medicine, surface engineering to aerospace engineering applications

We are engaged in the development of plasma-based medical, surface, energy, and aerospace engineering applications, as well as fundamental research on plasma spectroscopy measurements and simulations.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Plasma science
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Measurement engineering

KAWAHARA Yoshihiro


Digital fabrication and wireless power transfer for Internet of Things

Looking ahead to the next era of the Internet of Things, we are working on AI-based digital fabrication technology, wireless power transfer technology, robotics, and sensing technology with the aim of realizing a world in which sensor and actuator functions are naturally integrated everywhere.

Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Information network
Intelligent informatics
Human interface and interaction
Intelligent robotics
Perceptual information processing

KUDOH Tomohiro


Towards a true fusion of networking and computing - Information infrastructure to support the utilization of real-world data -

A Cyber Physical System, which is a system that integrates the physical and virtual worlds, requires an information infrastructure, and it is necessary to control and utilize computing and network resources in collaboration. For example, in the interaction between the real world and the metaverse, the challenge is how to use the computing resources, such as edge devices, clouds, and MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing), and the networks that connect them to provide stress-free feedback of real-world data. We are researching information infrastructure technology to support the utilization of such real-world data.

Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Computer Systems
Information network



Frontier of High voltage / High Current Technology

The electric power system is undergoing a major transformation in response to the need to build a carbon-neutral society. In addition to the upgrade of the conventional AC grid, there is an urgent need to develop fundamental technologies for the DC grid. With the application of social infrastructure construction in mind, we are developing new sensors to understand physical properties and discharge physics, and elucidate discharge phenomena, current interruption phenomena, and electrical conduction phenomena in solids. The laboratory is directed in collaboration with Associate Professor Masahiro Sato and Project Professor Takashi Fujii.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Optical engineering, Photon science
Plasma science
Energy-related chemistry
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Measurement engineering

KOHNO Takashi


Neuromimetic Systems: mimicing the nervous system to achieve robust and intelligent information processing systems

We study silicon neuronal networks as a foundation for the next-generation brain-compatible AI. Our approach is multidisciplinary over phenomenological, constructive, and theoretical fields. Anyone interested in the electronic circuit design and nervous system modeling are welcome.

Complex Systems & Bioelectronics
Life/Health/Medical informatics
Electron device/Electronic equipment

KOSEKI Takafumi


Science for Transport - Transportation of People and Goods Using Electric Power Control

Our research interests include energy and motion control in rail vehicles, magnetic levitation, linear machines, etc., and electric drive application control in transportation systems, such as informationization and automation of transportation system operations.

Space Engineering & Control Technology
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Measurement engineering
Control engineering/System engineering



Mathematics and Informatics for Understanding Living Systems

We aim to uncover the design principles of information processing and robustness in biological systems by integrating theoretical and informatics approaches to various biological quantitative data.

Complex Systems & Bioelectronics
Mathematical informatics
Soft computing
Life/Health/Medical informatics
System genome science



Materials / devices / systems to realize carbon neutrality.

Our interests spread from basic research on renewable energy to social implementation. The most exciting frontiers exist at the interfaces such as the ones between electricity and chemistry, research and society.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system
Nanomaterials engineering
Green/Environmental chemistry
Electronic materials/Electric materials



Electronics for imaging and stimulation of brain and living bodies

Our researches focus on biomedical devices and artificial intelligence covering highly sensitive sensor for detecting magnetic fields arising from neurons, stimulation of neurons using pulsed magnetic fields, and magnetic sensor for diagnosis of tumor metastasis.

Complex Systems & Bioelectronics
Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering
Medical system
Brain biometrics
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Medical Physics and Radiological Technology



Research on skin electronics utilizing organic materials

We conduct research on the application of organic electronics to biological and medical devices. We actively collaborate with many domestic and international research groups (scientists, physicists, medical doctors, and companies).

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment

TAKAGI Shinichi




Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Condensed matter physics
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment



Nanometer world explored by nanoprobes - "Observe" what are invisible to our eyes -

Our laboratory aims to establish new methods for evaluating physical properties in the nanometer range by making full use of the nanoprobe technology that has high spatial resolution at nanometer scale and to contribute to the exploration of new devices through understanding of those physical properties.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Electron device/Electronic equipment



Small Chip Intelligently Managing Large Power

To achieve a carbon-free world by 2050, we are conducting research on integrated power management, in which a small IC chip can intelligently handle large amounts of power, with the goal of making power electronics systems more energy-efficient.

Systems & Electronics
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Control engineering/System engineering
Energy engineering



Data Centric Computing (AI / Computation in Memory / Quantum Computer)

Takeuchi Lab is extensively studying brain-like data-centric computing and Computation in memory (CiM) that combines data processing and memory. We foster students who understand application and social implementation and then co-design different fields from LSI hardware, software, and machine learning for AI era.

Systems & Electronics
Computer Systems
High-Performance Computing
Perceptual information processing
Intelligent informatics
Electron device/Electronic equipment



Si photonics for next-generation AI/IoT deviecs

We are conducting research on silicon photonics for electronic-photonic integrarted circuits By combining silicon photonics with III-V compound semiconductors, germanium, 2D materials and so on, we investigate programmable photonic integrated circuits for deep learning, optical interconnect LSI, and mid-infrared integrated circuits. Our goal is to achieve innovative computing that does not rely on Moore's Law.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
High-Performance Computing
Optical engineering, Photon science
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Communication/Network engineering

TANAKA Masaaki


New electronic materials / devices, spintronics, quantum science and technology

We are conducting research on new materials, hetero structures, nano structures, and devices, aiming to create new electronics using electronic spin functions and quantum phenomena. We are working on a wide range of themes, from basic research based on intellectual curiosity to research with an engineering application.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Applied materials



Semiconductor integrated photonics

Our research focuses on integrated photonics, which invoves using a compact semiconductor chip of a few millimeters in size to manipulate the state of light. By leveraging the unique properties of "light", such as ultrabroad bandwidth, parallelism, and linearity, and offloading the intelligent digital computations to "electronic" circuits, we aim to create innovative photonic devices that can be applied to a wide range of fields, including next-generation optical communications, imaging, computing, and more.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Optical engineering, Photon science
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Communication/Network engineering
Measurement engineering

TABATA Hitoshi


Brain-mimicking Beyond AI devices using spin waves and fluctuations and quantum technology for information processing and medical engineering applications

Research on brain-mimetic devices utilizing spin fluctuation, focusing on the spinciple that signal processing in neurons is equivalent to the Hamiltonian of a physical property called spin glass. Also, research is being conducted on applying spin wave quantum interference, resonance tunneling phenomena, and stochastic resonance principles, which can be operated at room temperature, to information processing devices to achieve low power consumption, and on ultra-sensitive measurement of bio-related information such as magnetoencephalography, magnetocardiography, and body gases.

Complex Systems & Bioelectronics
Life/Health/Medical informatics
Medical system
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
General applied physics
Electronic materials/Electric materials



MEMS/NEMS, Micro/Nano mechatronics

MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) technology is a composite field of electrical engineering, mechanics, chemistry, material science, fluidics, optics and else. Using semiconductor microfabrication technology, we develop various MEMS applications such as optic communication, image display, medical diagnosis, IoT sensors, and energy harvesters.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Electron device/Electronic equipment





Media, Intelligence & Computation
High-Performance Computing
Computational science

NAKANO Yoshiaki


Photonic integrated circuits and renewable energy system based on semiconductors

In our laboratory, we fabricate photonics integrated circuits and solar cells by ourselves from scratch. Facing the fabricated devices and carefully examining their characteristics, you will realize that they are quite different from virtual devices modeled on a computer. Dialogue with real devices is one of the most important research process for us.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Optical engineering, Photon science
Energy-related chemistry
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Communication/Network engineering

NOMURA Masahiro


Integrated quantum electronics and Thermoelectric energy harvesting

We are promoting physics exploration in semiconductors and two -dimensional materials and developing next -generation thermal flow control technology. We are studying new basic physics unique to a hybrid state of multiple quantums, which cannot be achieved with a single quantum, and is studying devices that enable quantum broadcasts. Applied research provides environmental thermal power generation and energy -saving devices, basic understanding of the physics of phonon and thermal control, which supports its technology development, and exploration of new physics.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Atomic/Molecular/Quantum electronics
Electronic materials/Electric materials



Control spacecraft freely

We will apply control and information processing technologies to realize various space missions. Let's make the impossible possible with your novel ideas.

Space Engineering & Control Technology
Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Control engineering/System engineering
Aerospace engineering

HANAWA Toshihiro


Paving the Way to Next-Generation Supercomputers

The supercomputer is also attracting attention as a platform that realizes large -scale machine learning in addition to conventional simulations. By coordinating these, you can achieve more advanced applications. To do so, we need to optimize all kinds of processing, such as communication and file input and output, and aim to develop next -generation supercomputer fundamental technology through these more advanced fusion and cooperation.

Media, Intelligence & Computation
Computer Systems
High-Performance Computing

BABA Jumpei


Create electricity using electricity -control of devices for smart grid-

We apply new technologies such as power electronics, energy storage technology, and ICT to the electric power field, and we are conducting research that contributes to the construction of better electric energy systems. We are conducting research close to hardware, such as actually going to remote islands and experiments.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Control engineering/System engineering
Energy engineering





Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Applied materials
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment



Semiconductor silicon nano device aimed at large -scale integration

Hiramoto/Kobayashi Laboratory is pursuing ultimate integrated nanoelectronics by device innovation to solve the world's issues.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment



Neural Networks and Wireless Networks: See/feel/speak with radio-wave sensitive eyes and artificial intelligence (AI)

*Investigation of information processing principles in the brain from an electronic information engineering perspective, *Research on new information and signal processing technology by combining symbol processing and pattern processing, *Development of flexible electromagnetic/light measurement techniques, imaging and communication methods, and *Realization of useful systems and devices.

Photonics & Wireless
Intelligent informatics
Soft computing
Natural disaster/Disaster prevention science
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Measurement engineering

FUKUDA Seisuke


Spacecraft/satellite systems and sensor signal processing

We are conducting a wide range of research, from very close to actual projects to future elemental technologies, regarding technology related to satellite and spacecraft systems with background in electronic engineering, and signal processing technology for radar and image sensing.

Space Engineering & Control Technology
Measurement engineering
Aerospace engineering
Intelligent informatics



The world changes with the power of control! - Electric vehicles, wireless power transfer, applied control, electric airplane -

Research fields include control theory and its application, motion control, nanoscale servo, robotics, electric vehicle control, wireless power transfer, power electronics, control of eVTOL, drone, electric airplane.

Space Engineering & Control Technology
Control engineering/System engineering
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Aerospace engineering
Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems



Research on energy systems analysis and carbon-neutral societies

Matsuhashi Lab has conducted researches on energy systems and measures to mitigate global warming, and various researches related to energy policies. Currently, we are developing models of power systems that takes into account the large scale introduction of renewable energies, and the construction of novel energy economic models in consideration of bounded rationality, and integrating them.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system
Energy engineering

MITA Yoshio




Systems & Electronics
Electron device/Electronic equipment



Assistive technology for speech communication using computers that can talk with, listen to, and support users

Speech-to-text (speech recognition) and text-to-speech (speech synthesis) are working well even on smartphones. In our laboratory, using these speech technologies, we are developing frameworks that can aid humans to realize high-quality speech communication with other humans or with machines. By acquiring various kinds of knowlege such as acoustic phonetics, cognitive science, linguistics, and brain sciences as well as speech technologies, we are trying to improve the QoL of individuals who are communicating orally with others.

Media, Intelligence & Computation
Cognitive science
Perceptual information processing
Intelligent informatics
Kansei informatics
Learning support system



Digital Innovation: Transforming Society, Industry, Economy, and Local Communities

As digital technology revolutionizes society, we are researching 5G/Beyond 5G/6G, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud robotics, wireless communication & power supply, and information society design. We invite you to collaborate with us and explore these exciting new frontiers with fresh ideas.

Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Information network
High-Performance Computing
Intelligent informatics
Web informatics, Service informatics
Communication/Network engineering



Cutting Edge Laser Technology and Photonic Devices for Communications, Precision Measurements, Bio-Medical and Industrial Applications

Nanocarbons, such as Carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene, have very useful nonlinear photonic properties. We are pursuing researches on novel devices and short-pulse lasers using these nanocarbon materials. Especially, we have realized original and ultra-high performance fiber lasers, such as short-cavity short-pulse fiber lasers having high pulse repetition rate > 10GHz, and fast and wide wavelength swept fiber lasers that can sweep its wavelength in wide sweep range (>100nm) at very fast sweep speed (repetition rate > a few 100kHz). We are trying to apply these fiber lasers to communications, precision measurements, bio-medical and industrial applications.

Photonics & Wireless
Optical engineering, Photon science
Measurement engineering

吉光 徹雄


Space Engineering & Control Technology
Intelligent robotics
Aerospace engineering
Control engineering/System engineering
Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Perceptual information processing

Project Professor

OKADA Yoshitaka

Project Professor

Next generation solar cell technology to achieve both high-efficiency and low-cost.

In order to realize ultra-high-efficiency and innovative low-cost solar cells, search and optimization of materials using thin-film growth technology, the electrical and optical evaluation of material and device properties including by spectroscopic characterization. We conduct multifaceted research from experimental approaches such as the development of electrical measurement tools to theoretical analysis by numerical simulation.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Electronic materials/Electric materials

KAMEZAKI Mitsuhiro

Project Professor

Interface and Interaction Design between Humans and Highly Intelligent Machines/Systems

Our group promotes interdisciplinary research called "Smart Mechanano System (SMS)," which is based on the interface (media) design between huamans and highly intellignet machines/systems.

Space Engineering & Control Technology
Intelligent robotics
Smart Mobility
Human-Robot Interaction
Human Sensing
Smart Material


Project Professor

Laser and photonics research to make profound impact to the world.

We are conducting research on novel laser and photonic technologies such as ultrafast pulsed fiber lasers, optical amplifiers, and high-speed optoelectronics for industrial applications. Application fields include optical fiber communications, optical sensing, 3D LIDAR imaging, fiber laser sources for bio-imaging etc. We are located at the RCAST, Komaba II research campus. Our lab is collaborating closely with the Yamashita Lab at the Hongo main campus.

Photonics & Wireless

HAMADA Mototsugu

Project Professor

Lowpower Integrated Circuits and Systems

We are researching low -powered processors and communication systems, which are responsible for information technology in the IoT/AI era.

Systems & Electronics
Computer Systems
High-Performance Computing
Electron device/Electronic equipment

FUJII Takashi

Project Professor



Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Optical engineering, Photon science
Plasma science
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Measurement engineering
Energy engineering

Associate Professor

IIZUKA Tetsuya

Associate Professor

Design Science - Design and Optimization of Integrated Circuits and Systems

We have a wide variety of research topics mainly focusing on the analog/digital mixed-signal circuits and systems. Our research target is to realize high-performance integrated circuit systems for the applications of communication, IoT, AI, and so on. Based on the theory and analysis of the circuit behavior we develop systematic design guidelines for the optimum designs of integrated systems.

Systems & Electronics
Computer Systems
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Communication/Network engineering

OISHI Takeshi

Associate Professor

Spatiotemporal modeling and representation of real world

We are developing technologies for 3D modeling, recognition, and analysis of the real world using optical sensor devices such as LiDAR and cameras to realize autonomous mobility for robots and self-driving vehicles.

Media, Intelligence & Computation
Perceptual information processing
Intelligent robotics


Associate Professor

Toward Next Generation Mechatronics and Control

My team and I aim to achieve control performance that pushes the physical limits through innovations in control theory driven by the requirements of cutting-edge industrial and scientific applications. We pursue both performance and robustness through integrated optimization of the entire mechatronic system and controller design, including system identification and learning control. Our application includes precision mechatronics, electrical motors, power electronics, plasma, thermal systems, and pneumatic systems. Through domestic and international industry-academia collaboration, we propose and implement control theory and control system design methods for world-class control targets such as semiconductor manufacturing equipment, railroad systems, and power system equipments to support a sustainable and prosperous society.

Space Engineering & Control Technology
Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Control engineering/System engineering
Energy engineering

OGAWA Takefumi

Associate Professor

Interaction of Humans, Things, and Events

We are involved in various research projects aimed at enriching people's daily lives by utilizing augmented reality and virtual reality technologies. Our research themes share a common keyword - "connect". We are working on developing "communication support" and "groupware" to facilitate connections between people, "interfaces" to bridge the gap between people and computers, and "interaction technologies" to enable connections between people and data. Our goal is to create mechanisms that facilitate new experiences by enabling humans, objects, and events to interact with each other.

Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Perceptual information processing
Human interface and interaction
Kansei informatics

黒山 和幸

Associate Professor




Nano Physics & Device Technology
Atomic/Molecular/Quantum electronics
Nanostructural physics
Applied materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment


Associate Professor

Startled Computers: Space makes semiconductors surprised

In Sci-Fi movies, androids are often depicted as having cold and emotionless character. We may have such impression because most of computers rely on digital processing in which everything is flatly divided into "1" or "0", but—would you believe it?—they are easily surprised and often get upset. It is caused by a strike of tiny invisible particles, fragments of exploding stars a.k.a cosmic rays, but the shock is significant. The shock makes a computer chip surprised and lose its memory, control, and even its fundamental ability to boot up. So, what will you do next?

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Aerospace engineering
Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system
High-Performance Computing
Information security
Computer Systems


Associate Professor

Elucidation of new electronic materials and spintronic substances due to X -ray spectroscopy

Understanding the mechanism of physical properties can provide clues to the creation of substances that are desired to improve the quality and application of materials. Kobayashi (Ki) Laboratory is conducting basic research using electronic status analysis using radiation empty lighting light for the purpose of elucidating the physical properties of functional electronic materials and device structures.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Condensed matter physics
Quantum beam science


Associate Professor

Semiconductor transistor and memory device technologies for next generation computing

Hiramoto/Kobayashi Laboratory is pursuing ultimate integrated nanoelectronics by device innovation to solve the world's issues.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Computer Systems
Nanomaterials engineering
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Computational science
Electron device/Electronic equipment

SAITO Daisuke

Associate Professor

Real-data-oriented Speech Information Processing and Media Information Processing

Saito Laboratory is studying and developing speech information processing, and conducting research on multimedia information processing based on the developed techniques. In particular, in recent years, we have been working on research on complex phenomena such as multiple singing, and analysis about the relationship between appearance of robots and their voice. As a research stance, we aim to create new technologies based on mathematical backgrounds and handle a wide range of media.

Media, Intelligence & Computation
Perceptual information processing
Intelligent informatics
Intelligent robotics
Kansei informatics

SATO Masahiro

Associate Professor

Phyisics and smart AI-aided electrical and electronic materials design

To achieve carbon neutrality in a materials limited world, we are designing new electrical and electronic materials with the aid of the laws of nature and artificial intelligence. By understanding the underlying phyisics of high electric field phenomena, we propose novel approaches for tailoring the material properties.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Intelligent informatics
Computational science
Condensed matter physics
Plasma science
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Energy engineering

Osamu Shimizu

Associate Professor

Social transformation by mobility technologies!

We are conducting research on applications of magnetics, such as wireless power transfer and higher efficiency motors, which will make electric vehicles capable of running indefinitely, as well as research on motion control for mobility.

Space Engineering & Control Technology
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Control engineering/System engineering


Associate Professor

Large-scale simulation on supercomputers

Physical simulations are used in various fields of computational science and computational engineering, such as meteorology, space, and manufacturing. Research and development of computational methods, algorithms, and software technologies are necessary to realize large-scale simulations using next-generation supercomputers. Our research interests include fluid computation, GPU computation, AMR, acceleration methods, machine learning, and dynamic load balancing.

Media, Intelligence & Computation
High-Performance Computing
Computational science

SEKI Munetoshi

Associate Professor

Electronics to learn "bio" to "learn and bio"

We aim to create new electronics inspired by bio-systems, with the keyword of "Yuragi (fluctuation)" which is unique to life-systems. We fabricate artificial lattices composed of magnetic and ferroelectric phases, and conduct basic researches on the relation between their physical properties caused by "fluctuations" and the flexiblity/plasticity of bio-systems.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Applied materials
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Inorganic materials/Physical properties


Associate Professor

Advanced electronic devices using semiconductors and functional materials

Our research focuses on the development of functional electronic devices based on semiconductor and ferroelectric materials. We explore various research areas such as material engineering, device physics, and new-concept computing by leveraging the unique properties of these materials and devices.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanomaterials engineering
Applied materials
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment


Associate Professor

Network and Software for Society

Networks transporting data and software managing data exchanges have become indispensable in every aspect of modern society. The Internet is a prime example. Modern information services require connecting multiple computers via networks and performing distributed processing. We conduct research on networks and software that support the ever-evolving information systems, meet diverse requirements, achieve high performance, and ensure reliability.

Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Information network
Computer Systems


Associate Professor

Wide -area distributed processing

In our laboratory, we deal with research issues about network infrastructure technology and also including applied technology for collecting, processing, and utilizing information from connected devices.

Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Information network
Multimedia database
Information security
Human interface and interaction


Associate Professor

Measure the world with active sensing

"Observation using microwaves" is our research topic. We can observe the target from distant in any time and weather condition. We are studying the dynamic deformation of the Earth using satellite borne radar system.

Photonics & Wireless
Intelligent informatics
Natural disaster/Disaster prevention science
Measurement engineering

NARUSUE Yoshiaki

Associate Professor

Exploring Wireless Technologies Empowering the Future

We are researching and developing next-generation wireless technologies and field-oriented computing to realize "Zero-Configuration CPS," which aims to design, build, and operate cyber-physical systems (CPS) with minimal human costs.

Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Information network
High-Performance Computing
Intelligent informatics
Web informatics, Service informatics
Communication/Network engineering

MATSUI Hiroaki

Associate Professor

Development of biological and energy applications based on nano-optical technology

Using nano light technology, the creation of biomolecular information sensing, biological defense technology, and energy -saving technology

Complex Systems & Bioelectronics
Nanomaterials engineering
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Optical engineering, Photon science
Electronic materials/Electric materials


Associate Professor

Soft and stretchable electronic mateterials and the devices to harmonize human-machine interactions

We are working on the development of electronic materials and devices that are soft and stretchable like a living body. Taking advantage of the softness, we aim to realize a healthcare sensor that integrates the skin and body and the next-generation human computer interface.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanomaterials engineering
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Human interface and interaction


Associate Professor

Reshaping User Experience with Novel Interactive Systems

Our research focuses on user interfaces, particularly the development of novel applications enabled by information technology. We also investigate how interactive systems influence people's activities and decision-making.

Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Information security
Perceptual information processing
Human interface and interaction
Intelligent informatics
Life/Health/Medical informatics

YOKOTA Tomoyuki

Associate Professor

Organic electronics for flexible sensor application

Our group develop the soft electronics by organic materials. Our focus is Device Physics, Development of new process, Application.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering
Nanostructural physics
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment


Associate Professor

Realization of semiconductor materials and devices that integrate "magnetism", "superconductivity" and "topology".

Our focus is to integrate "magnetism", "superconductivity" and "topology" to all-in-one semiconductor platforms, using nanoscale semiconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor hybrid structures. These integrated material platforms would pave new ways to fundamental technologies for ultra-low power-consumption electronics and fault-tolerant quantum information.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Nanomaterials engineering
Applied materials
Crystal engineering
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties
General applied physics

Project Associate Professor

Takahiro Umemoto

Project Associate Professor

High Voltage Insulation Technology Supporting the Next Generation of Power Energy

We are advancing research on "High Voltage Insulation" in the power energy sector, focusing on developing low-environmental-impact insulation materials, expanding the application of power electronic devices, advancing diagnostic technologies, and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through their implementation.

Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Measurement engineering


Project Associate Professor


Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
General applied physics
Computational science
Applied materials


Project Associate Professor

Novel functional electronic devices and their applications to AI electronics

We are conducting research toward thechnological innovation in highly-efficient AI computing hardware. The research is promoted by both wheels: one is hardware research that creates novel functional electronic devices, and another is software research that includes proposal of physics-oriented computing system as well as information science on methodology and principle.

Systems & Electronics
Computer Systems
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Computational science
Nanostructural physics


LEE Sunghoon


Soft/flexible devices for medical applications

We engage in research on flexible devices for application to living body, taking advantage of qualities unique to organic materials. We have proposed pressure sensors that do not interfere with skin sensation, breathable electrodes that do not cause skin irritations, and nanomesh sensors with cellular level softness for next-generation biointerfaces with high biological conformity.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment

KOSUGE Atsutake


Energy-efficient high-performance VLSI systems for next-generation large AI models

We study energy-efficient high-performance VLSI systems including (1) energy-efficient domain specific processors and (2) 2.5D/3D chip stacking technology.

Systems & Electronics
Computer Systems
High-Performance Computing
Perceptual information processing
Electron device/Electronic equipment

Takuya Maeda


Material Science and Device Physics in Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors

Wide-bandgap semiconductors, exemplified as Gallium Nitride (GaN) and Silicon Carbide (SiC), have garnered significant attention as materials for high-voltage and high-current power devices as well as high-frequency and high-power devices due to their superior material properties such as high breakdown electric field strength and high carrier drift velocity.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Crystal engineering
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment
General applied physics

Kento Yamagishi


Ultrathin film electronics for healthcare and medical applications

We aim to develop electronically functionalized 'ultra-thin film electronics' by implementing and printing electrodes, wiring, antennas, etc., on polymeric ultra-thin films with a thickness ranging from several hundred nanometers to a few micrometers. This technology is intended for applications in the healthcare, medical, and sports fields, with the goal of creating devices that can be adhered to soft biological tissues such as the skin and organs, functioning like a sticker.

Nano Physics & Device Technology
Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties