YAMASHITA Shinji Professor
Hongo Campus
Photonics & Wireless
Optical engineering, Photon science
Measurement engineering
Cutting Edge Laser Technology and Photonic Devices for Communications, Precision Measurements, Bio-Medical and Industrial Applications
Nanocarbons, such as Carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene, have very useful nonlinear photonic properties. We are pursuing researches on novel devices and short-pulse lasers using these nanocarbon materials. Especially, we have realized original and ultra-high performance fiber lasers, such as short-cavity short-pulse fiber lasers having high pulse repetition rate > 10GHz, and fast and wide wavelength swept fiber lasers that can sweep its wavelength in wide sweep range (>100nm) at very fast sweep speed (repetition rate > a few 100kHz). We are trying to apply these fiber lasers to communications, precision measurements, bio-medical and industrial applications.
Research field 1
Advanced Lasers and Photonics Devices using Nanocarbon

Nanocarbons, such as Carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene, have very useful electrical and photonic properties. We are pursuing researches on lasers and devices using these nanocarbon materials, and applications to optical sensings. Especially, we pay much attention on the ultrafast saturable absorption property of such nanocarbon materials, and realized a very short pulse fiber lasers that emit lights at the duration as short as 0.1ps. We are also working on nanocarbon-based highly functional devices.
Research field 2
Fast Color-swept Lasers for Sensing and Medical Applications

We are working on the fiber lasers using Rare-earth (e.g. Er or Tm) doped fibers or semiconductors for sensing applications. We currently emphasize on the fast and wide wavelength swept fiber lasers that can sweep its color (wavelength) in wide sweep range (>100nm) at very fast sweep speed (Repetition rate > a few 100kHz). We are also trying to apply the lasers to the optical coherence tomography (OCT). At the same time, we study on fiber lasers at mid-IR wavelength regions (2〜5μm) that have been difficult using optical fibers, and application to optical sensing.
Research field 3
Pioneering 3D imaging platform

3D services e.g. 3D modeling, acquisition of spatial information for computer integrated manufacturing systems will revolutionize factories. High-precision 3D laser scanners play a significant role in introducing such wide variety of 3D services to “Industry 4.0”. Our goal is to create sophisticated and pioneering 3D measurement technologies by full exploitation of polarization and phase of lightwave, which have been overlooked in measurement fields.