EEIS 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 電気系工学専攻

Guide for entrance examinations / Required files (Guide for entrance examination, Summary of your desired master/doctor thesis project and Grade summary sheet)

Guide for the entrance examinations and related document

AY2025 Guide to Entrance Examinations

List of faculty members 


    Students assigned to Nakane, Ryosho's laboratory are co-supervised with Prof. Mita.

    No assignment of students for Kobayashi, Masaki's laboratory

    No assignment of students for Seki, Munetoshi's laboratory

    No assignment of students to Lecturer Yamagishi, Kento for this year.

    Professor Okada, Yoshitaka -> Project Professor Okada, Yoshitaka

・P. 12 of  Guide to Entrance Examinations

About the update of your TOEFL score: It is possible to change your Appointment Number, Test Date and Test Taker Score Report registered on the WEB Application System within the submission deadline of EEIS, Aug. 14. Please refer to the application guidelines of the School of Engineering.

Required files for the submission via WEB Application System

Applicant Survey (Summary of your desired Master thesis project, docx file)

Summary of your desired Doctor thesis project (docx file)

Grade summary sheet (pdf file) *submit via WEB application system

Submit your "Summary of your desired master/doctor thesis project" and "Grade summary sheet" via the following WEB Application System.