INOMOTO Michiaki Professor
Kashiwa Campus
Environment & Clean Electric Energy
Plasma science
Nuclear fusion studies
Advanced nuclear fusion plasma
We are conducting experimental research on high -performance plasma confinements aimed at realizing an economic fusion core. We adopt a unique high -beta method that actively applies the "connecting magnetic line" phenomenon that is universally observed in astronomical plasma.
Research field 1
Formation of high beta spherical tokamak plasma
A spherical tokamak, which reduces the aspect ratio of the tokamak -type fusion core plasma with excellent stability and confining performance, and has the outer shape closer to a spherical form, is expected to be a high -performance core plasma due to its high beta limit. In this study, we are developing a method of forming a dynamically formed high beta spherical tokamak, aiming to achieve high -efficiency nuclear fusion power generation by realizing a state in which plasma flow is important.
Research field 2
Particle acceleration in high-guide-field magnetic reconnection
The magnetic reconnection phenomenon that occurs in plasma such as the sun and the earth magnetic sphere is considered to be an explosive energy release and high -energy particles, and research on astronomical observations and simulation is being conducted. In the magnetic reconnection phenomenon, the dynamics of the plasma are determined by a mixture of the induced electric field and the electrostatic field, but in the high guide magnetic field, the indoor experimental is to elucidate and apply the mechanism focusing on the outstanding effect of the electrostatic field. I am doing research.