Laser and photonics research to make profound impact to the world.
We are conducting research on novel laser and photonic technologies such as ultrafast pulsed fiber lasers, optical amplifiers, and high-speed optoelectronics for industrial applications. Application fields include optical fiber communications, optical sensing, 3D LIDAR imaging, fiber laser sources for bio-imaging etc. We are located at the RCAST, Komaba II research campus. Our lab is collaborating closely with the Yamashita Lab at the Hongo main campus.
Research field 1
Novel Lasers and Photonics Technologies for Advanced Sensing and Industrial Applications

We pursue cutting edge laser and photonics technologies for sensing, precision measurement and industrial applications. Our research include advanced fiber lasers, photonics devices, systems and subsystems, with special functionalities designed for reliability and practical applications. We are the leading research group in femtosecond pulsed fiber lasers using carbon nanotubes and graphene, wavelength-swept pulsed lasers and precision 3D imaging and LiDAR systems.
Industrial applications such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) using our ultra-high-speed broadband wavelength-tunable fiber lasers enabling high-precision measurement of the internal structures for production inspections.
Research field 2
Pioneering 3D Imaging Platform

We are devising sophisticated modulation methods to enable high-performance 3D measurement technologies by full exploitation of the polarization and phase of light waves, an area that has been overlooked in the field until now. In additional to the development of existing frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW), amplitude-modulated continuous-wave (AMCW) and coherent Doppler LiDAR technologies, our advanced 3D imaging platform also includes patent-pending technologies such as chirped amplitude-modulated phase-shift (CAMPS) and picosecond time-of-flight (POS-TOF). We also focused on non-mechanical LiDAR scanner and high-power diffractive lens scanners for industrial deployment.