NOMURA Masahiro Professor
Komaba Campus
Nano Physics & Device Technology
Nanostructural physics
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Atomic/Molecular/Quantum electronics
Electronic materials/Electric materials
Integrated quantum electronics and Thermoelectric energy harvesting
We are promoting physics exploration in semiconductors and two -dimensional materials and developing next -generation thermal flow control technology. We are studying new basic physics unique to a hybrid state of multiple quantums, which cannot be achieved with a single quantum, and is studying devices that enable quantum broadcasts. Applied research provides environmental thermal power generation and energy -saving devices, basic understanding of the physics of phonon and thermal control, which supports its technology development, and exploration of new physics.
Research field 1
Development of monitoring systems by environmental thermal power generation
Attention is attracting attention for the next -generation heat control and unused heat in semiconductors. By realizing a sensor node equipped with a thermoelectric environmental power generation device, you can set up a huge number of energy -to -independent sensors in society and connect physical space and cyber space essential for smart socialization. In this laboratory, we are conducting research that dramatically enhances thermoelectric conversion ability by forming nano processing in low -environmental silicon materials. He has been conducting joint research with Freiburg University in Germany and many companies, and has been reported in the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun as a new device application.
Research field 2
Physics and thermal flow control technology of nanoscale thermal conduction
We have studied ballistic phonnics and thermal phonnics using the trajectory and wave properties of the phonnon, which are remarkably expressed in nanoscale, and discover and develop high -flow control and thermal conduction control technology that cannot be realized by the conventional Fourer rules. We observe characteristic thermal conduction physics that emerges in nanoscale by a unique micro -time area thermal reflection measurement method using pulse laser. For the first time in the world, the company succeeded in producing orthodox thermal flow and solid thermal collecting using the ballistic properties of the phonon, and brought a new development to thermal engineering.