YATANI Koji Associate Professor
Hongo Campus
Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Information security
Perceptual information processing
Human interface and interaction
Intelligent informatics
Life/Health/Medical informatics
Reshaping User Experience with Novel Interactive Systems
Our research focuses on user interfaces, particularly the development of novel applications enabled by information technology. We also investigate how interactive systems influence people's activities and decision-making.
Research field 1
Application research with AI and sensing technology
IIS Lab conducts research on applications, with a focus on AI, IoT, and emerging information technology. Our goal is to evaluate user experiences of these applications and promote the further development of information technology. By doing so, we aim to create a new society that benefits both technology and users.
Research field 2
Usable security
Security and privacy are crucial aspects in today's world. At IIS Lab, we focus on security and usable security. Our goal is to explore interfaces that provide safe and secure services without overwhelming the user, and to understand the new risks that arise from new media and technology. We are working hard for developing a new form of security that is user-friendly and flexible.
Research field 3
Social demonstration of interactive system
IIS Lab executes a wide range of research with various companies. In particular, we conduct research in collaboration with retail, media, and IT companies. IIS Lab contributes to the creation of new user experiences and the development of new value in technology through new applications. We pioneer the future with interactive systems through cooperation with a wide range of societies that are not necessarily focused on IT.