KUDOH Tomohiro Professor
Kashiwa Campus
Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Computer Systems
Information network
Towards a true fusion of networking and computing - Information infrastructure to support the utilization of real-world data -
A Cyber Physical System, which is a system that integrates the physical and virtual worlds, requires an information infrastructure, and it is necessary to control and utilize computing and network resources in collaboration. For example, in the interaction between the real world and the metaverse, the challenge is how to use the computing resources, such as edge devices, clouds, and MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing), and the networks that connect them to provide stress-free feedback of real-world data. We are researching information infrastructure technology to support the utilization of such real-world data.
Research field 1
Integrated Compute and Network Resource Management
Integrate diverse computer resources, such as cloud computing, regional data centers, and MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing) servers, as well as wireless and wired networks that connect them, to provide users with a computer and network environment that meets their requirements while considering factors such as usage efficiency.
Research field 2
Probabilistic Infrastructure Performance Guarantee
By introducing the concept of probability in meeting user demands, provide infrastructure in which performance is probabilistically guaranteed according to users' demands while taking into account resource utilization efficiency.
Research field 3
Network Performance Guarantee Using Optical Network Technology
By leveraging the ease of performance guarantee provided by optical networks, offer a flexible and reconfigurable network that ensures performance, such as bandwidth and delay, between subscriber networks such as wireless networks and data centers.