OGAWA Takefumi Associate Professor
Kashiwa Campus
Ubiquitous Information Environment Technology
Perceptual information processing
Human interface and interaction
Kansei informatics
Interaction of Humans, Things, and Events
We are involved in various research projects aimed at enriching people's daily lives by utilizing augmented reality and virtual reality technologies. Our research themes share a common keyword - "connect". We are working on developing "communication support" and "groupware" to facilitate connections between people, "interfaces" to bridge the gap between people and computers, and "interaction technologies" to enable connections between people and data. Our goal is to create mechanisms that facilitate new experiences by enabling humans, objects, and events to interact with each other.
Research field 1
Interface design based on multifaceted integration
Humans receive various types of information from multiple sensory receptors, which are processed by the brain to help us understand the events around us. However, since the brain attempts to integrate sensory information in a way that is consistent with our past experiences, it can sometimes lead to a phenomenon known as cross-modality. This occurs when the brain receives contradictory sensory information, causing some sensory information to be complemented or suppressed, and can result in the perception of stimuli that were not actually present. In this research, we are studying technologies that can create new sensory presentations and experiences using cross-modality, not only for vision and touch, but also for other senses such as taste and somatosensory perception.
Research field 2
VR/AR technology application for daily life support
We are conducting applied research on VR/AR technology with the aim of supporting various aspects of daily life, such as promoting health through enjoyable walking experiences, making it easy to see and remember timetables that are too far away to read clearly, helping users choose a shirt that matches their favorite pants when shopping online, and enabling users to enjoy VR games without experiencing motion sickness. Our goal is to develop practical applications that can enhance people's lives.
Research field 3
Recognition technology to understand humans' situations with mobile devices
We have developed a system that authenticates the person tapping the screen of a smartphone with a single tap. By implementing this technology, it may be possible to create a "purchase button" or a "send button" for emails that can only be activated by the user themselves. We are also researching other recognition technologies to understand how people interact with their mobile devices, such as how they hold and position their smartphones, and whether they are feeling drowsy.