IIZUKA Tetsuya Associate Professor
Hongo Campus
Systems & Electronics
Computer Systems
Electron device/Electronic equipment
Communication/Network engineering
Design Science - Design and Optimization of Integrated Circuits and Systems
We have a wide variety of research topics mainly focusing on the analog/digital mixed-signal circuits and systems. Our research target is to realize high-performance integrated circuit systems for the applications of communication, IoT, AI, and so on. Based on the theory and analysis of the circuit behavior we develop systematic design guidelines for the optimum designs of integrated systems.
Research field 1
Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuit Techniques

We have research topics on millimeter-wave integrated circuit techiniques for 5G and next-generation 6G applications including advanced communications and radars. Some millimeter-wave building blocks such as voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO), power amplifiers (PA), modulators have been developped and demonstrated through chip fabrications and measurement. We are promoting researches on 300GHz band as well as 140GHz D-band technology development.
Research field 2
High-Precision Magnetic Field Measurement/Analysis Techniques

While the integrated circuits are widespread in our daily life as a part of essential components, the hardware reliability and security vulnerability have become a new problem. However, it is a very difficult task to discover internal potential issues inside the advanced scaled integrated circuits with non-destructive and non-invasive ways. In our studies, we have developed a technique to measure the magnetic emission from the chip with high-precision, then accurately estimate the internal operation of the circuits. By extending our proposal, we also promote some collaborative researches such as the performance evaluation method for 5G communication antennas.
Research field 3
High-Performance Analog/Digital Mixed-Signal CIrcuit and Its Design Automation

For the applications of communication, sensor, radar, etc., the analog integrated circuits such as analog-to-digital converters (ADC), digital-to-analog converters (DAC), phase-locked loops (PLL) are fundamental building blocks to achieve high-performance systems. Since the peformance of these building blocks often dominates the system performance, the high-performance analog circuits are always demanded. We are promoting the research topics to optimize the circuit performance based on theory and analysis. We also have some research topics of circuit design automation to speed up the chip designs.
Research field 4
Time-Domain Signal Processing Techniques

Through the scaling of transistor devices, the operation speed of the integrated circuits improves dramatically, while the supply voltage is lowered to limit the voltage dynamic range. Therefore, the time-domain processing technique that utilizes the time, e.g. the time difference between two signal transistions, as information instead of voltage or current, is one of the promising solutions to realize high-precision and highly power-efficient systems. We have developed a high-precision time-to-digital converter, which is one of the basic circuit to convert the time information into digital, as well as a clock reocvery circuit that employs the time-domain processing technique.
Research field 5
AI and Brain-Inspired Computing

Computing speed of AI processors is facing physical limits mainly due to its enormous energy consumption. Through a collaboration with a novel device technologies we are promoting several research topics to achieve the next-generation performance and power efficiency. We have a collaborative research with Professor Tabata's group related to spin-propagation and stochastic resonance devices for low-power and high-performance computing. Also in collaboration with AIST and Kyushu University, we are trying to build a high-performance edge computing device based on spiking neural networks.