- I need a VISA to come to Japan. Kindly help visa application.
- The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems cannot facilitate a visa for applicants who wish to take the entrance examination.
- I am also planning on applying for the MEXT Scholarship. What would be the application procedure?
- As for the scholarship, please refer to the following page.
- I want to pursue a Master's program in your department. Please inform me about the application process and the possibility to apply for a master's degree from September.
- As for the application process to our department, please refer to the following page.
- Is fluency in the Japanese language mandatory for completing the Master's Program in your university? I do not know the Japanese language but have an interest to learn it.
- The Japanese language is not mandatory for this Master's program. Many lectures are given in English and Japanese language classes are also offered for international students.
http://www.nkc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index_e.html Japanese language class
- I graduated in the form of "self-study examination" acquiring engineering bachelor's degree. I want to consult whether I can apply to the Graduate School of Engineering.
- Please visit the following web site to obtain information about application requirements.
The contact address to the Graduate School Team of Administrative Division is
adm-daigakuin (at) t-adm.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- I want to take the entrance examination for Ph.D courses. How can I register the entrance exam and when is the registration date?
- Please visit the following web sites to obtain the general information for admission.
The details of the examination for our department are described in the following web page.
- During the examination dates, is there a dormitory or place to stay for applicants at your university? If not, please recommend hotels near the university.
- Unfortunately, for your stay during the examination period, we cannot offer any place to stay. But there are many hotels around the Hongo, Ueno, and Ochanomizu areas.
- I have taken TOEFL-PBT. Can I use it for admission? If I use TOEFL-PBT, do I need to take TOEFL-ITP ?
- Regarding TOEFL scores, please refer to the following page
- Is there minimum TOEFL score for admission ?
- There is no minimum score for admission. The judgment whether you will submit the TOEFL score or not is entirely left to you.
- I am a native English speaker, so I would like to know whether I am required to take an English test for the entrance examination, or submit a TOEFL score?
- All applicants are supposed to submit an official TOEFL score with an application form or take the “English (TOEFL-ITP)” examination regardless of whether you are a native speaker or not.