Ultrafast sub-picosecond magnetization control through electron wave function manipulation
Associate Professor Le Duc Anh, Associate Professor Masaki Kobayashi, Project Research Associate Takahito Takeda, and Professor Masaaki Tanaka of the Department of Electrical Engineering & Information Systems (EEIS) and Center for Spintronics Research Network (CSRN), in collaboration with the Institute for Molecular Science and RIKEN, have achieved ultrafast magnetization control at sub-picosecond rates through electron wave function manipulation. They have demonstrated a new functionality for low-power spin devices operating in the terahertz frequency band. This result has been published in Wiley's journal Advanced Materials. Press releases were issued by the University of Tokyo, RIKEN, and
SPring-8 and reported in several media outlets.
Le Duc Anh, Masaki Kobayashi, Takahito Takeda, Kohsei Araki, Ryo Okano,
Toshihide Sumi, Masafumi Horio, Kohei Yamamoto, Yuya Kubota, Shigeki
Owada, Makina Yabashi, Iwao Matsuda, Masaaki Tanaka,
"Ultrafast subpicosecond magnetisation of a two-dimensional ferromagnet",
Advanced Materials 2023, pp.2301347/1-8 (2023).
DOI: 10.1002/adma.202301347
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Optronics Media: https://optronics-media.com/news/20230801/82309/
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